Tuesday 8 April 2014

Hijama in Manchester, England by Aaminah Rahman

The following is a guest blog-post by Aaminah Rahman, a female Hijama Practitioner in Manchester, England

- Please give us a short introduction about yourself, and in particular how you ended up being a
hijama therapist?

My name is Aaminah and I am a mother to three children. I have a background of Health and Social care.  During my studies I became very interested in alternative medicines and remedies, healthy nutrition and diets as opposed to constantly taking tablets and running to the GP for every symptom. During my research I came across Hijama, which I found fascinating and was very much intrigued by the fact that when practiced properly and in accordance with recommended days, could cure most diseases and medical conditions.

My mother became very ill with continuous back pain and just one foot swelling when she stood on it for even a short period of time. She had countless visits to her GP, blood tests, x-rays, scans all of which were inconclusive. Three different types of antibiotics were prescribed each course getting stronger and each to no effect. Eventually after much persuasion my mother agreed to have a cupping treatment and alhamdulilah the results were amazing after just three treatments my mother’s leg has vastly improved and she can stand and walk with much more ease. This response further evoked my motivation to study hijama therapy.

I have recently undergone the Hijama course and alhamdulilah I am now a qualified and certified therapist.

- What particular illnesses/ conditions (if any), do you specialise / had the most experience in? And do you find that in your experience, the conditions/illnesses that you have come across respond well to cupping (hijama) therapy? And if so, what are they?

So far the patients which I have come across have been interested in:
  • general detoxification of the body
  •  back pain
  •  sciatica
  •  Headache /migraine
  • toothache
  • severe sinus problems resulting in heavy nose bleeds, snoring and excruciating pain.
  • Hypertension
  •  Hypotension
  • Heavy menstrual cycle with clotting

- Do you have any interesting case-studies that you can briefly share with us from your hijama treatments?
I have a patient who suffers terribly with headaches and back pains, and since receiving treatment alhamdulilah, has felt a significant improvement, a clear mind, and thought process, no pain when sat in certain positions and overall more healthy.

Also a patient who suffered with toothache on a daily basis since receiving treatment has reported no pain

- Also what would you say about using cupping as a general preventative therapy and how often would you recommend this (once a month? once/twice a year?)

I would recommend cupping as a preventative therapy for everyone, alhamdulilah there is a point on the body that if cupped can prevent / cure up to 72 different types of diseases. It is a non-invasive procedure that releases local toxins, stimulates the lymphatic system, clears blockages, clots or stagnated circulation. Cupping will also insha Allah realign and balance vital energy, inevitably to leave you feeling more energetic and overall healthy insha Allah.
I would recommend as a general detox to have cupping done between every 2-4 months insha Allah, however cases are assessed individually and treatments may be needed on a more regular basis for certain conditions.

- What is the status and overall prevalance of hijama therapy in your city and in England? Is it available in hospitals and clinics as a valid alternative / sunnah therapy?

Alhamdulilah cupping is beginning to become very well known in my city by Muslims and non Muslims, but is not actively being offered in hospitals. You would have to go to a specialist clinic or a qualified practitioner to access treatment. However within the ummah I feel awareness for this forgotten sunnah is vastly increasing masha Allah.

- Whereabouts is your clinic or practice located and what services do you offer?

I am a mobile practitioner covering the Manchester area and alhamdulilah I also have access to a room in a hijama clinic for patients coming from further a field.

- Is there anything else you would like to add?
I offer wet and dry cupping I also offer nutritional advice to coincide with certain conditions (evaluated at consultation)   
Within the next few weeks I will also be offering full body massage / and aromatherapy massage insha Allah.
If anybody is interested in booking a hijama session or other services please contact me  via inbox on my facebook page at:  https://www.facebook.com/aaminah.rahman.9  and I can have a free consultation and get you booked in insha Allah
My service is for women only insha Allah, but can recommend male practitioner on request

Aaminah Rahman


Facebook page:


Our thanks to
Aaminah Rahman  for sharing the above post. If you have any questions or want to leave some feedback, then please do so via a comment* below.

If you are a hijama therapist or patient and are happy to share your knowledge or experience via a guest blog-post like the one above, please send me an email to: hijama.mail@gmail.com.

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