Monday 25 June 2012

Case Study : Hijama Therapy for the management of Chronic Kidney Disease

Case Study : Hijama Therapy for the management of Chronic Kidney Disease by Dr Nazri Nizar

The following is a hijama case study kindly contributed by Dr Nazri Nizar, a male cupping therapist from Colombo, Sri Lanka

Elderly (Chronic Kidney Disease) patient recovers after undergoing 9 months of Hijama/Herbal Therapy.

Patient: Female aged 64 years from the hill capital of Kandy - Sri Lanka
Serum  Creatinine: 11.8 at the beginning of the Hijama Therapy in August 2011.
Present Result: 6.04 (April 2012)

Al Hamdu Lillaah By the Grace and Blessing of Almighty Allaah this patient has successfully recovered after  undergoing Hijama/ Herbal therapy under my care.  Earlier the patient was advised by the specialist physician who was being consulted by the patient that she has to undergo a kidney transplant due to her kidneys were not able to clear the waste and liquid in the body as such the doctor advised to find a kidney donor to carry out a kidney transplant as the only option left. 

As a matter of fact, Hijama should not be performed on those who have been undergoing dialysis but can be treated with herbal medication, exercise, diet control etc.

Initially the patient was seen by me at her residence in Kandy Sri Lanka as the patient was not able to undertake the journey  to my clinic in Colombo.  After studying most of the laboratory test report where the Serum Creatinine was recorded as at 11.8 and based on this report the transplanting of the kidney was necessary so until a donor is found, the patient must undergo dialysis on a regular basis to clear all the waste and liquid from her body. 

As the patient was to start the dialysis, a family member contacted me and asked for my advise as I have treated another patient quite successfully so I put the trust in Allaah and agreed to provide the treatment.  First of all I stopped the patient from going for dialysis.  The patient was willing to undergo the Hijama/Herbal therapy and agreed to strictly abide by the instructions given by me, for I did not want this elderly patient to undergo a kidney transplant at 64  as complications and too much of drug use will aggravate her health, a burden for her children, family members, and a colossal expense of money.

A carefully drawn up Hijama therapy plan was worked out and applied in accordance with the plan.  The plan worked well.  After 4 successive Hijama Therapy sessions lasting 8 months, the patient was advised to take a serum creatinine test and Al Hamdu Lillah the result was 6.4 and the doctor was amazed at the result and told the patient that as the creatinine level has come down drastically there is no need for a kidney transplant but occasional dialysis may be needed.  But I insisted on the patient not to go for any dialysis as the herbal therapy and exercise has effectively improved the functioning of the kidneys.  

Although the result is satisfactory, the patient have to continue with the strict diet control, exercise and herbal medication.  The patient and her family members are happy at the result Al Hamdu Lillah Allaah is the Source of Mercy the Most Mercy Giving.  May Allaah Grant His Mercy to my good friend and mentor the Late Dr. Abdul Munem Bellah (Urologist at Shaikh Zayed Military Hospital in Abu Dhabi, UAE) from whom I learn a lot of things which became very useful at times of treatment. May Allaah Grant him Jannah Ameen.

Dr. Nazri Nizar
Colombo, Sri Lanka

Dr Nazri Nizar

Sri Lanka


Our thanks to Dr Nazri Nizar from Colombo, Sri Lanka for sharing the above post. If you have any questions for Dr Nizar or indeed have been treated by him and want to leave him a testimonial, then please do so via a comment* below.

If you are a hijama therapist or patient and are happy to share your knowledge or experience via a guest blog-post like the one above, please send me an email to:


  1. Hello Dr Nazri Nizar,

    Thanks for sharing your experiences. I want to know which specific points you have choosen for the cupping procedure? Regarding herbal medicines- I think the term herbal is a very broad term as practitioners of unani, chinese & ayurvedic doctors all use herbal medicine. I have seen quite good results in Renal problems through unani medicines. Can i know which specific herbal medicines did you use along with hijama in treating your patient. was it Unani? Ayurvedic or chinese?

  2. if you get reply to your post please do forward me as well
    i have similar questions
    the kind of diet she avoided and what kind of diet she used
    what were the herb used
    and what was the special exercise ?

  3. Helleo
    Dr. Nazri Nizar
    Thanks for sharing best experiences in your medical practice

    Best Regards
    Dr. Adeeb Ahmed
    Homeo consultant physcian & Hijama Expert

  4. For patients with chronic kidney disease, first step is to stop all animal proteins, lentils, vegetable oils, pickles, tea, coffee, wheat bread & rice. Vegetable curries (avoid potatoes, egg-plant, cauliflower, spinach, green leafy vegetables)cooked in the blessed Olive Oil & taken with a Barley bread will reduce the load on kidneys. Best diuretics from Tibb-e-Nabawi are Henna water with honey at an empty stomach, Nabeez, Barley water, Sakanjabeen (Honey & vinegar diluted in water) & Camel's milk.

    Following herbal blend will be helpful Insha'Allah:

    Kasni seeds (Hindaba)
    Dried Henna leaves
    Gokhru (Tribulus Terrestris)
    Black seed (Kalonji)

    Each as 100 grams

    Celery seeds (Ajwain Karafs
    Piper Cubeba (Kabab Chini)

    Each as 50 grams

    All the herbs sieved / cleaned properly & ground together, taken as a teaspoon twice / thrice daily.

    With a strict Tibb-e-Nabwi diet & herbal support, kidney's efficiency will improve, even the patient on Dialysis will heal Insha'Allah.

    Regrading Hijamah points, a cup on Kahil, below Kahil & a cup each & right & left of Kahil, 2 cups at the middle back (behind kidneys) & two below the kidneys in lumbar region of spine.

  5. Asslam o alikum! Thanks for sharing your experience. I have also applied cupping on a kidney patient who had been on a dialysis for 7 years. She was not able to pass urine after 2 sessions now she is passing urine and Insha Allah she would be able to recover 100 %..
