Give your BODY It's First MOT and Full Service with this ULTIMATE Sunnah Treatment of Hijama
27 August, 2008 21:55pm
Salams to all health-conscious blog-readers
Apart from my email back in March, you may or may not know much about Hijama (or cupping in English), but simply put, it's the nearest thing to A FULL SERVICE AND DETOX for the human-body. What's more it's A Sunnah - and a highly recommended one at that! Here's a small excerpt from
Wikipedia (but I'm sure you can find more information elsewhere in Islamic literature as well as on the internet, even on Youtube!):
"Prophet Muhammad and hijama"·"According to various hadith in the Islamic tradition, Prophet Muhammad supported hijama.
- According to Abu Hurayra, Prophet Muhammad said "If there is good in any of the cures that people use, it is in cupping".
- Abu Kabsha al-Anmairi gave an eyewitness testimony that Prophet Muhammad cupped himself on the head and between his shoulders and then said "Whoever sheds some of this blood will experience no pain in not being treated for a certain (disease) with a certain (cure)".
- Anas's account is anatomically precise, explaining that Prophet Muhammad cupped on two different neck veins and on the upper back.
- According to Jabir, Prophet Muhammad also cupped his hip to relieve some pain there.
- Also on Abu Hurarya's authority, Prophet Muhammad said that "Whoever is cupped on the seventeenth, nineteenth, or twenty-first (of the lunar month) will be healed of every disease".
So what is Hijama, and what does it involve?:In plain English the idea is removing bad blood from the human-body and restoring the body to perfect working order:
HOW IT WORKS:1. For about 5-10 minutes, place a small special cup on the body. Create a suction on the skin (using a pump). The logic is blood in that area will be pulled to the skin surface.
2. Remove the cup and make slight incisions in the area.
3. Re-apply the cup with suction on the area again for about 10 minutes (this now starts collecting the dark red (waste) blood into the cup, thereby cleansing your body of external pathogens.
4. Finally once the blood from that area stops flowing, the cup is removed and the blood is safely discarded. The skin area is cleaned, and sterilised to heal natuarally.
What results and benefits are expected from this treatment?You will insha'Allah feel fresh and revitalised. Your body will be maintained to optimum health, just like a service of the car you care so much for. Here is some feedback (mostly positive but some also not so positive so you can make you own decisions!) we have had from the last two sessions:
- "I sometimes suffer from boils on my body, especially on my back. When I had hijama done at the last session, I had one cup done between my shoulder blades. I noticed a boil that was developing on my lower back gradually disappeared over the next couple of weeks, whereas normally it would grow in size, until I physically had to pierce and drain it myself!" - Salim Okhai - "I had it done last session, and I would recommend people to have it done, as it's a Sunnah, as what could be better than a Sunnah treatment" - Shabbir Vindhani,
- "I have had it done 2 sessions ago, and previously once in India, I would advise all Muslims to look into and revive this Sunnah, and would definitely get it done myself again when the opportunity comes up - Omar Ansari - " I had it done 2 sessions ago, at the time I had some pain in my leg which promptly disappeared a few days later" - Shabbir AbuAbdullah, - " I had it done last session, unfortunately it was painful in my case, and I had this pain for a few days while the incisions healed" - Nazir Okhai, - "I have had this done once previously in Makkah, and then twice here in Leicester with Brother Abdul Hakeem. In all cases, I noticed the spots and itching that I chronically suffer from on my back cleared up significantly after a couple of weeks. In my humble opinion, like the use of miswak which is a sunnah as well as health-promoting, what could be a better combination in treatment than one that combines a sunnah with a health treatment, which in this case according to some Hadith, is actually a Sunnah that was strongly recommended by Angels at every stage of the Prophet's Meraj journey into the heavens! After all, Health is the ultimate Wealth and the Sunnah is the ultimate Way of Life! - Shuaib SuriaSo what's available this weekend? 1. Br Abdul Hakeem Hinds who has been practising this treatment for years is returning again to provide this treatment to whoever wants it (although limited spaces available), at a very reasonable cost (I'll come to that later). As this weekend is the last one before Ramadan starts, in one way, this is the ideal time for you to rid your body of built-up toxins and uneliminated waste. You can then go through one month of fasting, and provided you combine it with a sensible balanced diet with ample fibre & fluids avoiding fatty fried foods as much as possible, you will inshaAllah have a leaner, healthier body by Eid and with the habits built up over the month of good diet and physical & spiritual exercise (with tarawih etc), you can then look forward to better overall well-being inshaAllah for the coming years.
2. For those who have never had this done and want to know more before going ahead, Br Abdul Hakeem will also be available to explain & demonstrate the procedure and answer all your questions, so you can consider the treatment for a later date.
So, what does it cost then?As a special introductory offer, the cost of the full treatment is £29.95 and £4.95 per extra cup if required. For most people, the 1 cup is sufficient for most purposes. If you are a repeat patient, you qualify for a special existing patient offer: 3 cups for £29.95 as opposed to almost £40 normal price. For those just coming to observe the procedure and ask questions there will of course be no charge!
Is it available for both men & women?Sorry, for the moment we have organised for men only, however we are working on a system for women to be treated in the near future by a female therapist inshaAllah with your support and your duas. So female patients, please contact / email us back so we know how many women want to get it done and we can plan accordingly
I'm in, tell me where & when?Unless things change last minute, this Saturday and Sunday (30th & 31 AUGUST) from 2pm - 5pm at 65 Uppingham Road, Leicester. TO RESERVE YOUR TIME do please reply to this email with your NAME & contact number, or contact me direct on 07944 470 740, so we can know how many people to expect (um for the catering... sorry I forgot to mention: free herbal tea and biscuits will be provided after the treatment!)
SHUAIB: 07944 470 740
Do I need to know anything in advance?Just a couple of things. Make sure you don't have a heavy meal before and after the treatment, also thereafter stay indoors and avoid cold weather and cold drinks (hot drinks are good). Have a rest and avoid exertion/ exercise for the next 24 hours. And enjoy a healthy life inshaAllah thereafter!
100% 90 Day No-quibble Money-back Satisfaction Guarantee.If it helps, I will give you 90 days money-back guarantee on this Sunnah Treatment. So try it out for yourself and within 90 days, if you do not feel the benefits of having the treatment done, then contact me on for a full refund - no questions asked. So basically, we are so confident of the benefits of Hijama, that for whatever reason if you are not 100% satisfied , let me know know within 90 days of having the treatment, and I will gladly refund your payment immediately.
Why am I doing this? I strictly believe in full customer satisfaction, therefore I am not happy to keep your payment until you have tried the treatment and seen the benefits (and you have 3 months to do so). As a treatment that is new to many people who are trying it for their first time, I can fully empathise that you cannot be 100% sure whether the treatment is really suitable for you, until you try it out for yourself. So I am giving you a full 90 days trial so you can calmly consider if hijama was right for you, otherwise please contact me within 90 days for a full refund - no questions asked!
DISCLAIMER: While all the above information is provided in good faith as useful advice for your benefit, you should only proceed with it with your own free-will after satisfaction that it will be of benefit to you. So although, no adverse side-effects are expected (except for the beneficial ones), please don't proceed if you are feeling scared or unsure with this. There is always a next time, inshaAllah.
Your Brother is Islam & Sunnah Shuaib
Shuaib Suria
PS: Remember, there are limited number of spaces available (10 - 15 maximum) and almost half of them are already booked. So if you are attending, please let me know as soon as possible so I can book you in. For those just coming to observe & find out more, I don't need to book, but it would still be useful to know how many people are turning up. So please let me know either way.
Because HIJAMA-MAIL stands for Health Isn't Just Another Minor Asset - it's the Main Asset In Life!!
PPS: One final thing, it's important!: You are only getting this email because we genuinely think it will be of interest to you, as well as hopefully to all other Muslims as well as health-conscious individuals of other faiths and beliefs. However if that is not the case, please reply with a short note to that effect so that we can remove your details from future notifications of this treatment. Our sincere apologies for interrupting your day and clogging up your mailbox, you will not hear from us again. Thanks
PPPS: Sorry just one more thing, and a favour this time if you would please: If you do find this email of interest and / or know someone else that might be interested whose email address we may not have, then please forward it to them on our behalf so they can also learn about the benefits of this Sunnah Treatment that was strongly recommended by angels, no less! An advance Ramadhan Mubarak to you all from Shuaib & Abdul Hakeem of the Hijama Team! May Allah grant you lifelong health which is the greatest wealth!